About Kat

Hello Friends,
Thank you for supporting our cause.

I am uniting with the beautiful women of Ukraine to raise capital for the rebuilding of our many hospitals that have been destroyed by the evil Aggressor. Ukraine’s brave boys will defend our freedom, and many have given their lives. God bless them. We all have to help however we can.

I prayed to my God: how can I help my country? God answered: My child, use your gifts. My blessing from God is my natural beauty. I am happy to share my beauty with you to raise money for hospitals.

80% of your purchase price will be a charitable gift to a foundation: Beauty for Peace, registered legally in the USA. We will use our strength as powerful women in Ukraine to rebuild our country without corruption. If you want to send a friendly email or an additional gift, you can reach me at Kat@Beautyforpeace.com.

I thank God for his kind and loving generosity. Please remember the Ukrainian soldiers in your prayers. They are our brothers and our husbands defending our freedom.

Kat, 2024

Our Mission

Our mission is simple but profound:

Beauties for Peace is dedicated to restoring hope and healing in Ukraine by rebuilding hospitals devastated by conflict. Our mission is to unite beauty with compassion, leveraging our platform to raise funds and awareness for the urgent needs of healthcare facilities in Ukraine. Through our collective efforts, we aim to empower communities, foster resilience, and pave the way for a peaceful and prosperous future for all.

Get in touch!

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